Get money back for your event – with Mallorca Event Concept and VAT4U!

We know that every penny counts when it comes to organising events. That’s why we’re delighted to be able to offer our clients the opportunity to reclaim VAT and save on event costs.

With VAT4U, we have a partner that enables you to reclaim VAT online and without much effort.
For your events in Mallorca, Spain and other countries online and without much effort.

If you are a company based outside Spain (e.g. Germany), you can save a significant amount on your event costs by reclaiming VAT.

What is VAT and how can you get this money back?

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a tax on consumer spending that is levied on goods and services throughout the European Union. Businesses operating in the EU must charge VAT on their sales, but can reclaim the VAT paid on their expenditure. This includes expenses such as hotel accommodation, transport, catering and much more.

Depending on the type of expense, this can mean savings of between 10% and 21%.

With VAT4U, you can rest assured that your VAT reclaim is in good hands. With cloud-based software, VAT4U offers fully automated management of foreign VAT processes.

Click here to find out more about how VAT4U can help you recover your VAT and maximise your event budget.

If you factor in the VAT savings, you can make even better use of your budget for future events.

For your company event and all offers relating to incentive trips and team building, please contact us. We will be happy to advise you free of charge and without obligation.